Agrani Bank

Monthly Base rate

Bangladesh Bank has started Base rate linked pricing system of Loans and Advance through the issuance of DFIM Circular No: 6 “Guidelines on the Base Rate System for Non-Bank Financial Institutions” dated August 20, 2013. Base rate is the minimum rate below which  it is not viable for a Financial institution to lend. Base Rate captures all those elements of the lending rates that are common across all categories of borrowers. However, the actual lending rates charged to the borrowers would be the Base Rate plus borrower-specific charges, which would include product-specific operating costs, risk premium and tenor premium.
The Base rate of Agrani SME is exhibited at all branches along with on the website for being transparent in the pricing of floating rate lending products.


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Integrated Loan

Banking software is enterprise software that is used by the banking industry to provide and manage the financial products they provide. Within retail banks, banking software typically refers to core b readmore>>

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Business Review

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